Online MST research meeting
The meeting will consist of plenary presentations as well as break-up discussion groups about specific themes. The presenters will be:
Annemarieke Blankestein: MST-ID
Annemarieke Blankestein (MSc) is a PhD Candidate at de Viersprong, Netherlands institute for personality disorders and the Behavioural Science Institute of the Radboud University, Nijmegen. Her PhD project focuses on new uses of systemic interventions in home-based settings as well as residential youth care settings. As of 2015, she has been involved in a study on the comparative effectiveness of MST-ID and standard MST for adolescents with an intellectual disability. In this study, the authors also examined the role of parental intellectual disability on treatment outcomes of families receiving MST-ID. Since May, she has also taken on the role of programme manager MST-ID. During the plenary presentation she will discuss the research on MST-ID of the past 10 years.
Dr Tom Jefford: Implementation of MST and risk factors for early closures of teams
Tom Jefford researched the role of leadership and the environmental context in the implementation of MST using qualitative analysis.
Dr Serap Keles: Immigrand background as predictor of outcome trajectories
Serap Keles is an Associate Professor in Psychology at the Knowledge Centre for Education, University of Stavanger and a researcher at the Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development. Her work mainly focuses on the sociocultural adaptation and mental health of children and youth, particularly with immigrant background. More specifically, she has a main interest in the area of acculturation of immigrant children and youth, and is interested in understanding the interplay between acculturation and developmental processes, in relation to psychological well-being, by use of, among others, comparative longitudinal design. Her methodological research interests include systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and longitudinal data analyses. Her presentation will look into the identification of MST subgroups with distinct trajectories on MST outcomes, and immigrant background as a predictor of group membership.
Dr Terje Ogden
His presentation will discuss the validation of the YLS/CMI (Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory) based on Norwegian MST cases, and the effects of standard MST in Norway.
Dr Sean Redmond & Dr Catherine Naughton: Outcomes of MST delivered through the Bail Support Scheme in Dublin
The Pilot Bail Supervision Scheme for Children (BSS) incorporates MST as a therapeutic element within normal court processes. To identify if (outcomes), and how and why (process) the BSS worked, and to overcome certain methodological challenges the research team combined a quasi- experimental design with a more realist approach, contribution analysis. The findings formed the primary evidence to inform policy makers’ decisions to not only mainstream but also extend the programme to other locations in Ireland. The proposed presentation would cover key elements of the research design and findings.
Loraine Visscher: Effective components of interventions for multiproblem families
Several studies assessed the effectiveness of interventions targeting families with multiple problems (FMP) but results are inconclusive. This may be due to a different range of elements provided within the interventions, but evidence on effective elements within interventions for FMP is still limited. Therefore, the aims of this study were 1) to identify which elements are provided within interventions for FMP and 2) to identify effective and cost-effective elements for FMP and FMP subgroups. Families that received one of the eight selected interventions and practitioners providing one of these interventions were included, these were: Multisystemic Therapy (MST), Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT), Intensive Family Treatment (IFT), Parent Management Training Oregon (PMTO), Family Central (FC), 10 for the Future (10Ftf), Families First (FF) and Triple P 4-5. The results of this study will contribute to strengthening interventions for FMP.