Mik: Register for a MST training:
Here you can find a translation of the registration form at Mik, to help you sign in for a MST training:
- Geslacht man/vrouw = Gender male/female
- Voornaam = First name
- Tussenvoegsel = Middle name
- Achternaam = Last name
- Voorletters = Initials
- Bedrijf = Company
- Functie = Function
- Geboortedatum = Date of birth
- Mobiel nummer = Cell phone number
- Opleiding (HBO of WO) = Education (bachelor or master)
- Startdatum in MST = start date in MST
- Teamnaam = Team name
- Tweede teamnaam (wanneer je als supervisor of gezinsondersteuner bent verbonden aan twee teams) = 2nd team name (when you are connected to two teams as supervisor or crisis case worker)
- Naam beroepsvereniging(en) (NIP, NVO of NVRG) en lidmaatschaps- of registratienummer(s) = does not apply
Just a short instruction to make sure you get directly access to the online modules that are relevant for you. If you go through the following steps you can be sure that it goes well:
Enter your business email address in the field E-mailadres. Don’t you have that yet? Then temporarily use your private e-mail address. In the field Achternaam, enter the name you use in your work as an MST-er.
Use exactly these function names below in the field Functie:
- Therapeut (translation: Therapist)
- Supervisor
- Programmamanager (translation: Program Manager)
- Gezinsondersteuner (translation: crisis case worker)
- Psychiater (translation: Psychiatrist)
In the field Mobiel nummer, enter your business mobile number. If it’s not yet available, temporarily use your private phone number.
Enter HBO (translation: bachelor) or WO (translation: master) under ‘Opleiding (HBO of WO)’. You don’t have to write down the name of your study program. HBO or WO is enough.